..........and just in case you missed it, the cartoon will be shown again a week or so before your convention (if the elders remember)
so last night they played the convention cartoon.
there were a few laughs from the audience, overall though people seemed a little taken aback and tight lipped.
like no one gushed about it afterwards, no applause, just like it was nothing new at all.
..........and just in case you missed it, the cartoon will be shown again a week or so before your convention (if the elders remember)
anyone know anything about it?
apparently it's going to be broadcast live nationally to all the congregations this saturday
The programme has just come through:-
Programme for Special Meeting
Branch Visit
Saturday April 25, 2015
Mill Hill Kingdom Hall, Broadcast to all Congregations in Britain and Ireland
Chairman: Dennis Dutton
1.00 p.m. Opening Song D. Dutton
Prayer D. Dutton
1:05 p.m. “If God is For Us, Who Will Be Against Us?” J. Larson
1:45 p.m. Summary of The Watchtower Article: S. Hardy
“Preparing the Nations for
‘The Teaching of Jehovah’”
2:15 p.m. Song No. 104 and Announcements D. Dutton
2:25 p.m. Branch Report and Experiences P. Gillies
2:45 p.m. Talk M. Sanderson
3:45 p.m. Concluding Song D. Dutton
Concluding Prayer M. Sanderson
Of note is that Mark Sanderson is the GB member not Sam Heard. Also, Paul Gillies has an item.
friday morning9:20 music9:30 song no.
5 and prayer9:40 chairmans address: imitate jesuswhy and how?10:20 symposium: lessons from jesus word pictures observe the birds and the lilies have salt in yourselves build your house on the rock11:10 song no.
120 and announcements11:20 follow jesus patternkeep on asking, seeking, and knocking!11:45 keynote address: concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom12:15 song no.
One thing I like to do during symposia is to contemplate the original meaning of a symposium - basically a gathering of young men getting drunk and doing what young drunk men have always done. Being ancient Greece, this developed into (drunken) philosophical discussions with each one giving their view and hence to our current usage. Still, I like to see whether the borg symposium seems to have been written whilst drunk (weird or just plain crazy) or the morning after (angry). Pretty much everything falls into one of these categories (or even both)
shepherd the flock of god.
1 peter 5:2.
this publication is congregation property.
hi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
2015 march 17, boe.
(this boe goes along with the march 15 boe concerning circuit overseer visits)... click the link below and then click the green download button.. .. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/29sj8bh.
.. .. atlantis!.
The paragraphs in the shepherding book refer to "cautions before recommending certain brothers". The subheadings are "Brother previously reproved or disfellowshipped", "Guilty of adultery in the past", "Separated or unscripturally divorced" and "Brothers who served in an appointed position in the past"
And no, none of these refer to child abuse.
i've just had a circuit visit which surprised me because there was no mention of money or any of the other subjects which seem to have cropped up for others recently.
he did say that we need to read the bible daily so i have decided to do just that.
however, having heard about it on the jwpodcast, i'm reading the skeptic's annotated bible daily which i think will benefit me more than reading the nwt.
I've just had a circuit visit which surprised me because there was no mention of money or any of the other subjects which seem to have cropped up for others recently. He did say that we need to read the bible daily so I have decided to do just that. However, having heard about it on the jwpodcast, I'm reading the skeptic's annotated bible daily which I think will benefit me more than reading the NWT. As the bible app contains various alternative translations, I don't think I could even get into trouble if anyone finds out!
an inspiration brave man.
i have nothing to add to that, just sadness at his passing.
A wonderful writer and inspirational human being. If you've never read him, don't be deceived into thinking his books are childish. He disguised a real insight into human nature by putting it into a fantasy setting and including a lot of humour. Paraphrasing a quote from a character showing how nationalism can make people do dreadful things :- "Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life"
the borg seem to prepare for changes by missing explanations out for a while then presenting a "new understanding" which doesn't contradict the most recent discussion.check out the most recent references to gog - no identification as satan.. in today's wt study, paragraph 15 concerning benefitting from the prodigal son stated "if we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return?
" there is no footnote or other qualifier saying not to go to disfellowshipped ones (who are definitely the ones being talked about) which is still the official policy.
i know this isn't an ending to shunning, but it may signal the start of the preparation for a change.
the borg seem to prepare for changes by missing explanations out for a while then presenting a "new understanding" which doesn't contradict the most recent discussion.check out the most recent references to gog - no identification as satan.. in today's wt study, paragraph 15 concerning benefitting from the prodigal son stated "if we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return?
" there is no footnote or other qualifier saying not to go to disfellowshipped ones (who are definitely the ones being talked about) which is still the official policy.
i know this isn't an ending to shunning, but it may signal the start of the preparation for a change.
The borg seem to prepare for changes by missing explanations out for a while then presenting a "new understanding" which doesn't contradict the most recent discussion.Check out the most recent references to Gog - no identification as Satan.
In today's Wt study, paragraph 15 concerning benefitting from the prodigal son stated "If we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return?" There is no footnote or other qualifier saying not to go to disfellowshipped ones (who are definitely the ones being talked about) which is still the official policy. I know this isn't an ending to shunning, but it may signal the start of the preparation for a change. One comment was made where I was that we shouldn't shun ones who return to the congregation. It seemed to fit in with the spirit of the study. Putting it near the end also meant that many would miss it. Any thoughts?
The (not so) Pure One